
In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful


This program

Start the program

Technical Information

Multiple Stores



Copy and Paste

Contact information

Define and modify Items

Print invoices and Related reports

Enter items to the invoice

Barcode printing

Delivery Companies

Savings cards and  purchase  vouchers

VAT ( Value Added Tax)

Company Accounts (Cash Transfer)

Transfer - Clients

Debts (Accounts payable)




System Users





Point of sale (POS)





Opening Entries




  This program is    E-Store                                        --- Home  



Start the program                                                        --- Home  

When you want to use the software for the first time, you must define on paper the inventory , the  list of receivables, and then follow these steps:

  1. Define the names of Customers, Dealers, Employees, .....  in (NAMES) menu.

  2. Go to (Opening Entries) and add all receivables and credits.

  3. Add the items that the company deals with and categorize them (goods, services, fuel, fixed assets, Trip, Tire)

  4. Go to (Opening Entries - Beginning Inventory) and click on Import. All the items from the Items table will come to (Beginning Inventory). Now fill the table with the quantities of inventory you have made (fill in the quantity and price)

  5. Go to (Opening Entries- Opening Cash) and fill in the fields (capital - Opening Cash - Retained Earnings if any).

  6. Press ( Check ) to check the (Opening balance). You should see ( OK ) at the bottom left of the table, otherwise there will be an error in the entered values.



Definition and Modify Items                                      --- Home 

* Items - Items table: Items appear as a table.

* Items - Item Card: One item appears as a card.

In these two lists the buttons on the left are the same. Where 1-  And    And     Elements 4-  And 5 -   Table or part of it (we select multiple rows with Ctrl or Shift with mouse or arrows).


   Prints multiple Barcode labels for the selected item .

There are two checkbox below in the Items dialog box that affects the Barcode printing method

               Rate in barcode 

               Description in Barcode

In the barcode program you can print multiple labels for the same item to paste on the goods. Quantities (e.g., weight) can be included in the barcodes of items with different weights or quantities, because the normal input of elements in the barcode assumes the quantity (1).

You can add a top comment (company name for example) and a bottom suspension that includes the price and name of the goods.

Key (design) Allows you to change the number of columns per page (if you are printing on small labels on A4 paper for example) and the number of rows and margins .....

Also you can choose the barcode style (experimented with Code93 ) and barcode color.

This barcode style accepts a character encoding of between 4 and 20 characters/numbers.

To change the location of the barcode program, click and drag on the color palette and move it to the right place.


 is used when working on the program for the first time and entering the initial data of the company as we enter the goods of the first term but first we must identify all the elements here and then press this key to migrate items to the table of goods for the first time . (If the item is not in the Beginning Inventory)

If we remember a new item we can define the item and send this item or several items to the Beginning Inventory, we can only select these items and press the key, which gives us several options:

Yes : Adds selected items

Yes to All : Adds all items

Cancel: Does not add anything.

After that you are asked to specify to which store these goods will be added (if we have multiple stores option)


Definition of items (goods):

When defining items, we define CODE ,description, cost, selling price, classification, type, etc.

(we can not use quotation mark ( ' ) or space in CODE)

Code : is mandatory and can be a barcode number or numbers and characters chosen by the user as a symbol for elements

Description : The phrase that we can show in the invoice as a description of the item.

Selling Price : The automatic price shown for the item in the sales invoice when it is entered in the invoice. The user can change this value after entering the item. This value must be specified especially at POS

Location : The shelf number, for example, can be used to search for the item (the Location can be displayed on the delivery voucher), where it can be located and displayed on the invoice from (print-design options)

Size : The size of the item (e.g. 1 inch, 2 inches) can be set to appear in invoice printing

Consists of : Reports the inventory of the assembly ( Stock menu- Gather as packages ). This data is used to define elements of a carton from another element, for example. A packet of juice can be defined and a second ingredient is known as a juice carton. The program is told that the carton consists of 24 cans of juice. Another example: An element can be defined as 1 liter oil and a definition of a Tank consisting of 208 element 1 liter oil.

Example: If you have only 27 juice boxes in the store and you have chosen  (Gather as packages ), You will find that you have (1 juice box and 3 cans of juice)

Minimum : This number determines the limit fro warning about the minimum quantity in the stock.

To show the low quantity items we go to the store list and choose ( Down)

Cost : This value automatically appears when you add an item into the purchase invoice that can be used to determine the value of the goods.

Lowest Selling Price : If the user enters a value that is less than the specified value, only an alert appears. ( Depending on options )

% Discount : The value of an automatic percentage deduction for the item.

Classification of items :

  1.  Goods    : The commercial goods that the company deals with.

  2.  Service not Goods, for example, elements sold by the company and do not enter into the Stock. ( Maintenance)

  3.  Fuel        : for example (diesel). It is used with the STOCK, which is defined as (fuel) and therefore the program calculates the meter reading and the quantity  of the stock .

  4.  Fixed assets    : such as cars, furniture, production tools and machinery. They have a detailed treatment and have special treatment in the profit account where the percentage of annual depreciation must be determined.

  5. Trip        : In transportation companies. When defining this category, the driver's wage of the trip, which may be a percentage of the value of the sale (from options -Transport Trip Wage by % (used in courier companies), and therefore when a bill is entered for sale with trips. If the driver  is selected for this trip, the program automatically adds the Trip Wage to the specified driver. Trips do not affect the store account and are treated as services. we can determine  - driver's Wage - distance - Trip type - material - crusher - site

  6. Tire        : It is a GOODS item but we define it as a TIRE and enter the serial numbers to be installed on a specific axis in a particular vehicle and then define its navigation until it ends (if desired).

  7. Road Tolls: in transport copy we can define the tools to (TRIP) and these tools can be added from Edit- Fill Road Tolls

  8. Materials: is used in Transport to define the default materials for a (TRIP)


* Item Kind: Used in search only against the classification that affects inventory and account inventory.

You can specify the KINDS of items you have ( Items - Items Kind) eg (general - electrical - sanitary - sewage ...)

In the options menu you can select the main input type either by using the keyboard or by Barcode Reader.


* Transport:  This sub-menu of the list (Items) Defines:

1- Names of Crushers or cities (source / from) for transportation.

2. Names of sites or cities (target / to).

3 - Materials: which are transported materials ( sand, 3/8 - 3/4 -  ......)



Enter Items to the invoice                                           --- Home


Using the keyboard

Method 1:

Enter the table of items below (invoice)

Press the Enter key (or double-click the mouse). The CODES appear on the right side of the screen. You can navigate the mouse or arrows, press the first letters of the Code or the Barcode, and then press Enter (or double-click the mouse). The Item will enter as a quantity equal to one and the price is the last purchase price on purchase invoices)

 Input the quantity and unit price then press Enter to insert a new item.

Note that the Descriptionappears at the top while navigating between Items.

To discard the item selection, press Esc.

* We can search by Code or Description (Code      Description  )

* To change the item search method, press (  Method 2 to enter invoice items ) at the top right of the invoice where the item is searched by typing its name, deleting and editing. This method can be automatic in the program. ( See Options )

Discount% : To input a percentage discount for each item, if this option is available from:

(Options - Calculate - Show item % discount)


Notes: To write a note on each line.


In the trade of building materials:

LPO :  Purchase order number LPO per shift.

Transporter :    From the drop-down list, choose Transporter .

Transporter price : the price of transporting one Ton

Pur. on Name :  Input the name of company or person who you will pay the price of materials to him( if any).

Crusher weight : We enter the weight of the crusher to calculate the price of the material because the weight of the crusher may differ from the weight of the site.

Mat. Rate / unit : the materials price per Ton.


In Transport copy:

Your Vehicle / Vehicle number : These fields determine the number of the vehicle.

* Field ( ) Shows only the company Vehiclesthat you specify from

(Transport - Vehicle - Company Vehicles)

When you select a new vehicle number, a field  It will show the current driver of the vehicle (if its value is empty) as well as choose the name of the driver will show the number of the vehicle driving in the (vehicle ) if it is empty.

The purpos is that we can identify a vehicle and the name of its driver appears automatically. After that, the driver's name can be changed if this Trip was made by another driver for a certain circumstance and the wage of this Trip is for the second driver.


Field ( ) Shows the vehicles' numbers that work with the company (Taxi) and they are not owned by the company .

(Transport - Vehicles - Other Vehicles)

If you are in a purchase invoice and enter a purchase from a company, the field (vehicle number) will only show the Company Vehicles.

* There are fields for (Trip Date, Ticket No., Crusher Name, and the name of offload site.


If you want to delete the trip number ( make it blank and not 0) Press Ctrl + 0  (zero not the letter O ).

* Field ( No Driver Wage ) can be changed between Yes or No ): If we choose Yes , the program does not calculate the Wage of this Trip to the driver.


Enter the vechile number in another way:

After entering all the trips and the weights, we go to the first item in the invoice and stand in the column (Your Vehicle) or (Driver). The numbers of your vehicles appear on the right, and if you stand in the (Vehicle No.) field, the other numbers will appear.

We go to this list and choose the Vehicle number by pressing the first number of the Vehicle, then pressing (enter) will input  the Vehicle number for this line and the cursor moves to the next line to choose the next Vehicle  number.

* To add a new Vehicle number, press   At the top, if we are in the column (Your Vehicle), it  will add a vehicle number of the company and can after going to (Tranport - Vehicles) to add the rest of vehicle's data .

* If you are on a purchase bill (from a company ) and you are in the column (vehicle No.) it will add a new vehiclefor this company.


    Or pressing ( Crtl + D ) makes all the names of the following items such as this item (changes the elements and the parameters in the invoice.

It may also appear in this key (Rate- your Vehicle - Vehicle No., .......) to change the following lines to become like the current line.

* In the transfer copy, a key appears    This key allows you to insert items into a dialog box where you press   Or (Ins) will add an Item , such as last Item in the invoice, and if the invoice is empty, it will adds the first item which is (TRIP). the we enter the rest of the data in this dialog box.


Method 2 : Quick keys

This method can be used to issue coupons from the user's definition  (Options-System Users-User Kind) where we define the user (POS) and we choose (Coupon)

For example, a game city with one key issuing only one ticket by pressing the appropriate key.

In this way the user can define 24 items and define them as special keys (when defining the Items)

A number from 1 to 24. Arranged on the keyboard in two lines and from left to right.

The first line starts with F1  and the second line begins with 1

Number 1 is the key ( F1 ) and so on

So the number 12 is the key ( F12 )

No. 13 is the key (1)

No. 14 is the key (2) .... and so on

No. 21 is the key (9)

The No. 22 key (0)

And No. 23 key (-)

No. 24 is the key (=)


Method 3: Input by Barcode Reader.

- In point of sale: the cursor must be in the (Code) box and start entering the item by Barcode Reader or input the item number fully and then press the Enter key .

- In the normal invoice at the top right of the screen there is an option (By Barcode), The box at the top right of the screen that appears when you press Enter in the invoice will be used to Input the barcode.

If we have a barcode that contains quantities , the quantity is after the barcode by five digits separated by a space.

For example the code (12345 12250) will insert the item 12345 by the quantity (12.250)

This process is used when the company has a Scale that puts a sticker on the bags after weighing.

These posters can also be printed from the program by selecting ( Quantity) in barcode printing in Items menu.

the limit weight or quantity is 99.999


Delete Item : The right key of the screen (Delete Item) deletes the selected item (or selected items) in the invoice.

To delete a full invoice : From (Edit - Delete Invoice) the last invoice (excluding purchase invoices) must be in order for the invoice number sequence to be affected and the invoice must be unlocked (from the edit menu - Open Invoice F7 )


Copy and paste

If you are in any table in the program, selecting (Edit - Copy) will copy the table as Excel format .

In most tables (excluding invoices), when you double click on the table, you will see a dialog box where you can:

1. Print the table

2. Copy the table

3. Send the table by e-mail

4. Save the table to Excel file.


Items can be entered for a bill copied from another invoice (Edit menu)

If we press Copy (or Ctrl + Ins ), we will copy the entire invoice if we do not specify a line set.

By pressing Shift + Ins, the copied items will be added to the last invoice.

To select a many items, chose (Multi rows selection) At the bottom right of the screen.

By pressing CTRL and then choose the lines by mouse ,

When you press Shift and press the up or down arrows, successive lines will be selected.

 The copied elements are copied in Excel format so they can be pasted into the Excel program.

From the Edit menu you can copy and paste items to and from an Excel format files ( xls )



Point of Sale (POS)                                                      --- Home

If we define a user as POS  he will see the POS menu only.He can input sales invoice and there is little control.

He can only input sales and often with the barcode. The user can only search for the price of a commodity.

New invoices are automatically added when you print the old invoice.

The user can change the quantity by entering the barcode of an item and then telling the system that their number is more than 1.

you can open new invoice without printing the previous one.

You can input the savings card to add points of sale and you can add a voucher purchases to deduct from the total amount of the invoice.

A discount can be added.

By pressing F12, you can input how much the customer pays and it appears in the (Cash line) and shows the Balance (The ammount which must be returned to the customer).

  To delete an item via the System Administrator password or someone who has permission to modify {this privilege in (Options-System Users )}

The authorized person enters the password three times on the keyboard or using an identification card with a barcode for the password.




Invoices                                                                        --- Home

In the Invoices Menu, there are submenus :

Purchases        Sales         Quotation     Return To Us     Return from us     Manufacturing     Proforma Invoice     Purchase Order    Consumption / Installation     Projects     Movement between Stores    Old Lese / rental contracts


* Purchases : are the company's purchase invoices and add the goods to the store. If the invoice is (cash) the amount will be deducted from the fund (CASH), and if it is (Debit) the amount will not be deducted from (Cash) and it will be added to the customer's DEBT.

There are several types (regular bill - fixed assets - rental)

The regular invoice for the purchase of goods and fixed assets for fixed assets such as cars and furniture, which have an annual depreciation. Rental / lease contracts that will affect the profit according to the period of the lease contract, where the rent will be divided by the number of days of the contract.

We can be identified to any store that will supply the goods of purchases.

* Sales : are the company's Sales invoices, It deduct the goods from the store. If the invoice is (cash) the amount will be Addes to the fund (CASH), and if it is (Debit) the amount will not be added to (Cash), it will affect on the dealer's  DEBT.

There are several types (regular bill - fixed assets - rental)

The regular invoice for the sale of goods and fixed assets for fixed assets such as cars and furniture, which have an annual depreciation and leasing / leases that will affect the profit according to the period of the lease contract, where the rent will be divided by the number of days of the contract.

we can determine from which store we sale the goods.

* Quotation : You can print quotations as a regular invoice (spreadsheet) or as a page in a text editor differently and change the size of fonts, colors, and offset.

The Quotation does not affect the store, the receivables or the fund.

* R to us (Returning to us) : the identification of goods returned from the customer to the company and return the goods to the store, and if the cash discard will be deducted from the fund and if deferred will affect the debt (becomes a debt to the company to the customer)

* R From Us (Returning from us) : the identification of goods that have been withdrawn from the company to a supplier, and the goods are deducted from the store. If a cash rebate is added to the fund and if deferred will affect the liability (the company's debt becomes the supplier)

* Manufacture : Select goods from the store graduated from it to form new goods entering the same store or another store. Manufacturing affects the store and it does not affect the bidder or the fund.

* Proforma Invoice : Do not affect anything like the Quotation but used by some companies before issuing a final invoice.

* LPO (Purchase Order) : Does not affect anything and is binding on the company when it is issued, stamped and signed.


* Consumption / installation : the removal of goods from the warehouse and install it(eg on vehicle, tires) or that the goods were consumed for something else. Does not affect the fund or receivables but only affects the warehouse.

In the Transport version, if we want to install a tire set in certain places on vehicle, we first remove the goods from the warehouse from this list (installation) and then go to determine where the tire is installed from (Transport - tires)

From here begins the journey of the tire between the installation or mobility until the end of the tire (end of life)


* Projects : for the introduction of projects (eg in construction companies). ( Shown by options )

 Purchases can determine that an item will go to a project directly and therefore the goods will not enter the warehouse and it appear in the projects in the bottom table (can not be modified) and affect the project profit. You can also remove items from a store to this project by adding them in the top table .

If you are in the Projects and input Pay Voucher, this Voucher will be calculated as an expense on the project .

At the top right of the screen there are some details about the project and some financial details such as the price of the project, total expenses and payments received, and the net amount remaining on the customer.

Some of them can be modified from the (Edit) key on the left of the screen. Where we can determine the wages of workers on this project and the price of the project specified in the contract, which the customer will be obliged to pay.

 A text editor appears to write the project contract.

 In the projects we can see a table about the project, including its expenses, price, profit and profit rate. In other invoices, the total cost of purchasing all items of the invoice will be shown.

 In Projects it does not affect the desired of the customer but affects the cost of the project which  are the items sent from the store to the project (top table)

If we want to make a discount for the customer, the price of the project must be changed. 


* Delivery : If the company delivers goods and receives money from the consignee.

* Movement between stores : the transfer of goods between different stores

* Old Lease / Rent contracts : Enter the contracts entered into before the start of the program for this company. New contracts are either purchased (rental) or from (sales - leasing).

All these contracts are considered deferred and Vouchers or cheques must be entered for payment.

To distinguish between renting and renting and moving between them from the top right of the screen.



You must know the previous value and subtract from it what has actually been disbursed on the contract and put the net in the old receivables (debit to rent and a creditor to rent)

Example: Assuming the current year 2017 we have started working on the program this year.

 We have a lease contract from 01/04/2016 and end on 31/03/2017

At $ 20,000.00 we had written four cheques .

1- 6000 on 10/4/2016 has been disbursed

2 - 6000 on 1/7/2016 has been disbursed

3 - 4000 on 30/12/2016 The date has not been disbursed

4- 4000 on 1/3/2017

We enter into the old contract lease contract worth 20000 and by pressing the key (previous value) which helps us to enter the contract we find value 15068.49

What actually disbursed is 12000 and therefore the remaining is 3068.49

We must place this amount in the old receivables of the tenant as a creditor.

The exchange cheques that have not yet been withdrawn are 3 and 4.


 If the difference is negative, enter the debt as a debtor (for example, the remaining 15,000 and what was disbursed in the previous year 17000 and lease contract,


After the program works and the introduction of rental and rental contracts there is no need to enter something in the old contracts because the program automatically transfer the contracts to the next year ( only not finished contracts).


There are some differences in adding new invoice:

  1. They all take a serial number (except purchases because the invoice number comes from the supplier and we enter it manually).
    It starts with  ( 1 ) number , and we can change that from (Options-Options- Invoice Design) - the table below changes the column (First No.).

  2. In manufacturing there is a table for entering items (manufacturing process income) and another table for input (manufacturing process output),  
    if we have
    multiple warehouses it can be determined that the manufacturing income from a warehouse is out of production for another store.

  3. In Quotation we can keep the invoice empty (without Items) and press  To show a simple text editor where the Quotation can be entered in a different format than the invoices.
    In projects the key is
     A text editor appears to write the project contract.

  4. In the purchase invoices can be the invoice (Normal ,Fixed assets or Rent)

  5.  In the sales invoices the bill can be (Normal, Fixed assets or Lease)

To add a new invoice   A dialog box appears to the left of the screen.

* You can choose a name from the drop-down box or add a new name.


* Fill in the data type of invoice (Cash or Debit) and the date of the invoice and from any store (if we have the choice of multiple stores ) and a discount or a percentage /commission on the entire amount of the invoice. And the Reference as a note in the invoice.

For example, an LPO number can be placed on a customer's invoice.


Start Prepare At: In the restaurant version, an invoice can be entered and the beginning of processing is determined later to enter the role in the preparation and preparation. This box appears only if the menu is visible and we specify this from the user's user definition (options - System users - Preparation)

Start and End date : In Rent and lease invoices and in old contracts, we specify the beginning and end of the contract.

Project start and Project end : In projects we determine the start of the implementation of the project other than the entry time and determine the end of the project, if the end before the current time is considered the project closed.

Project Emp. Cost and Other Costs: Used with projects only to input the cost of employys wages and other expenses.

Project price : The price that the company will receive from executing the project.


* The arrows at the top left of the screen to navigate between invoices. ( |<  ,  < ,  >  , >| )  ( |<First , <Previous ,> Next,>| Last)



Print invoices and Related Reports                           --- Home  


In most tables (excluding invoices), when you double click on the table, you will see a dialog box where you can:

1. Print the table

2. Copy the table

3. Send the table by e-mail

4. Save the table to Excel file.


but in Invoices:

 Left of screen:

1. Print the invoice according to the options (print-design options).

2. If you choose ( collect similar items)   at the bottom right of the screen, the program will collect similar items whicsh have the same price.

Transport companies use this mode as we enter every (Trip) in a line in the invoice and add the Truck, price and Crusher..... for this Trip. By selecting (collect similar items) you can print an invoice with one line containing the total Tons of trips, with the individual price and the total price.

3. If you choose ( Table) you will see a table in which each line contains one invoice data according to the search conditions on the top right of the screen. When you click Print, this table will be printed ( not the invoice).


  Invoice printing without prices or total price The column (price) position shows the serial numbers of the items, if any (according to the options) .


  Print item names and serial numbers in a separate page.


  Prints all current day requests for a particular vehicle.


  Prints all current day requests for all vehicles.


  Printing for Transport companies:

Form  1 : Prints columns :

 (Notes - Amount - Rate - Quantity - Site(to -) , Crusher(from) - Material - vehicle - Date - Ticket  Number - No).

Form 2 : Prints columns:

 (Quantity - LPO - Material - From - Vehicle - Ticket Number - Date) .

Transporter/Commetion : Also in the trade of building materials we specify the name of the Transporter and the Transport Rate.

                   You can select All or choose a Transporter name to print a list of it.

Material : Data is printed on the material in the building material trade copy where we enter the line of the data transfer Crusher Weight and material purchase price.


   Shows the invoice cost .

   Adds a discount on the total amount in the invoice

   or   Appears if you have chosen

(Options - View 1- Lock Inv. contents )

Pressing the key  or pressing F7 changes the status of the invoice between opening and closing.

When you edit the invoice and once you exit it or move to another invoice or list, the invoice will be closed and modified. You must open it (with the user password) to modify it, except for the Notes column.


In the purchase invoices or manufacturing output, the user enters the serial numbers of the goods manually

In sales invoices and the like, enter the serial number by choosing from the numbers that are still in the store.

We take advantage of the serial numbers in the search for an element and move it from (Statistics - Item statistics) and in the transport version to install Tires and their movements.

All fixed assets must take a serial number


In the transport copy, there are two keys on the right

    An invoice search box (sale or purchase) appears on a vehicle number, supplier, date or Ticket number.


When you press this key or automatically while entering invoice items by options , the program  looks for errors for all Trips  such as:

  1. Repeat the same ticket number of the same Crusher

  2. Conflicts date and number of Tickets to the same crusher(the lower number should not be on a larger date)

  3. Buy a Trip and not sell it. (any trip entered as a purchase, it must be entered as Sale).

  4. The rate or quantity  of a trip in sales is less than of the rate or quantity in purchases.


Delivery Companies                                                   --- Home

In the Delivery menu, we must define a service item (for example "Delivery")

The total amount is the amount collected by the company for the delivery service. The Shipment Price is the amount that the company collects from the recipient for the sender, which will be paid to the sender later, so this amount will be considered a debt on the company and combined with other shipments to to be paid later to the sender by payment voucher.

You can input  the recipient name, order type, and other details

The address of the sender and the recipient comes from the invoice line (from) and (to), which contains only the city name and other details about the address, which can be written in the empty field under the mobile field.

You can also send an SMS to the  recipient by sending the order

The content of the text message and how it is sent is found in:

(Options -Options - Delivery Options)


Here we define the content of the text message which will be sent to the recipient of the order and when to send the message

The program uses the  (kapow.co.uk) so the user should go to this site and create an account to send text messages and enter the user name and password here in the options

The site begins by deducting the amounts specified by them on text messages to be sent by the program

The (Driver Wage) is added to the driver salary (It can be a percentage if we define that in "Items" ) . To choose the percentage of driver's wage from:

(Options - Transport - Trip Wage by %)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Savings cards and purchase vouchers                       --- Home  


To activate dealing with savings cards and purchase vouchers from:

 (Options -Options - Calculate - Save Cards )

Cards can be issued and printed to customers from: (Names -  )

 And then in sales the purchase vouchers will be issued  automatically.


To determine how to issue purchase vouchers from:     (Options -Options - Save Cards Options)

  In sales is used to input the savings card number to the invoice and add the savings points.

 to input a previous purchase slip to be deducted from the invoice.

To view and print savings cards and coupons    (Services - Save Cards)


 Vouchers ( Pay / Credit)                                            --- Home 


Wherever you see    or   you can use it to add a cash Pay Voucher or a cash Receipt to the current name .

For example, in invoices, names menu, accounts or employees ......

You can go to the Pay Voucher Menu or a Receipt Voucher Menu to add and modify the Vouchers.

( Effects on Receivables / Payable) This option makes the amount as debit .

  in Payment vouchers it means that the amount is debit , and in Receipt voucher it will be credit.

This option can be deselected from the options - options - calculate


( Zakat)) The amount will not enter the person at all and benefit from this option to calculate how much the company paid zakaah.

( Vehicle Expense) In the Transport copy, the amount shall be applied to the expenses of the vehicle for the profit of each car from:  (transport - Vehicles Profit) .


  Add a pay cheque or receipt cheque voucher. The program expects the Voucher type.

For example, in a Credit sales bill, a cheque will be added to a receipt cheque and in the  purchase bill, a pay cheque bill will be added and the receivables will be added.

You can control the voucher kind from  Pay / Receipt menu and chose ( Cheque).

* Vouchers can be displayed as a table or as cards for each single cheque.


Add and modify Vouchers:

Vouchers can be adjusted from the list (Payment Vouchers) or (Receipt Voucher).

For cash Voucher we select ( Cash) from the top left of the screen , and for cheque we choose ( Cheque).

The buttons on the left are used to add, edit, or delete a Vouchers where only the last Voucher can be deleted so that the serial arrangement of the Vouchers is not affected.

  For cheques only when the cheque is added to your bank account (if it is Receipt Cheque) or withdrawn from your account (if it is Payment Cheque).

Cheque Cases: Calculated on dates:

 1. Date of the cheque 2. Input Date    3 - Delay to     4- Return Date        5- Cash Date


Thus, the status of the cheque can be:

1 - has not been due to be considered (unpaid)

2- It is  due according to cheque date or delay date and it is not collected (Returned) and (not Paid)

3 - It is due and withdrawal is considered (paid)

4- It is due and not withdrawn and is delaied to a later date (not paid).


 (Services - Cheques Ctrl + F8 ) Cheques returned or considered by the program to be reviewed because the user has not change to paid status.

There is an option ( Options - Options- Account -   Draw cheques automatically ) it changes the status of cheques to (Paid) , unless the user specifies that one of the cheques has been returned.


You can enter and print many monthly cheques at once by selecting ( Many )

We determine the number of cheques, the value and the date of the first cheque. The program will add a monthly cheques package at once and if they are Payment Cheques, they will be printed at once.


Cheque Position : The places to keep cheques received (bank safe - ...) can be defined from the list of (Receipt Voucher- Cheque - Cheque Positions). The cheque position can be defined when the cheque is added or modified.


 A cheque or payment voucher shall be printed containing the cheque data to be signed for receipt.


 For cheques issued according to the cheque printing options and by bank name (from Options -Options - cheque options)


 In Cash Vouchers this button looks for expected errors of Vouchers that do not affect the receivables but the name of the person is not defined (cash only)


Technical information                                                     Home

Enter the program for the first time

Username: a

Password: a


In Windows 7 install the program in a non-default folder eg D: \ EStore
Go to the folder and right click on the EStoreSQL.EXE

- Properties - Compatability - Run this program as an administrator

Add Default printer in Windows


Run the program on the local network

setup sql server 2005 on SERVER only
Start setup
2- (check) SQL server database service
(choose) Default Instance
3- Customize
4- (choose) use the built in (network)
5- (choose) Mixed (windows and SQL) )
6- (Next) (Next)
1 On Server and all clients
my network places
Set up a home or small office network
(choose) Other
(choose) This computer Connect directly or (HUB)
Computer Name: (SERVER) or (C1) or (C2) ..... - For example
(next) (Next)
(choose) Turn on file and printer sharing
(choose) Just Finish
(Finish) - Re
################ ######
2- my network places-View Network Connections
(R Click) Local Area Connection

1- File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks


2- TCP / IP -Properties
(Choose) Use the Folloing IP: (20 fro SERVER) (21 for c1) (22 for c3) ....
192.168.1 1.
(Choose) Use the Folloing DNS:
On Server
On Clients (C1, C2, ....)
192.168 1.20 (This is SERVER IP)
#### ##########################################
add password to windows user
--------- ------------------------------------
setup the E-Store on all PCs
1- (on C1, ... the C2 (Server Except) the
delete The Shortcut Of (Minaret Computers , LLC Note ) From Menu Programs Associate the
Delete the Desktop The the Shortcut
2- Share All The File folder the c: \ File is the Program \ Minaret Computers , LLC Note \ EStoreSQL2013 \
Share All Name: EStoreSQL
( . Check - the Allow the User to change ....) // Full Control
* On Clients (C1, C2 ....)
add on desktop shortcu
chose from shared folder (server \ EStoreSQL)
the program: EStoreSQL2013.exe.
On server Only
* MS SQL server2005-Configuration tools-
SQL Server Surface Area Configuration
Serface Area Configuration for Services and Connections
1- Database Engine - Remote Connections
(Choose) Local and Remote
(Choose) TCP / IP only
2-  SQL Server Browser
startup Type: Automatic

if you can not find (Surface Area Configuration), ( in Win 10, SQL 2017) , go to

1- SQL Server Configuration Manager

2- SQL Server Network Configuration

3- protocols for (MSSQLSERVER)  ( or the name of your service like (SQLEXPRESS)

4- make it (Enabled) for TCP/IP and Named Pipes

* Firewall Exception
Control Panel- Firewall- Exceptions
Add Program:
1- C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL server \
MSSQL.1 \ the MSSQL \ the Binn \ Sqlservr.exe
2- the C: \ the Program the Files \ the SQL server the Microsoft \
90 \ the Shared \ Sqlbrowser.exe
3- : add-E Also StoreSQL
* the if we 're Setup SQLEXPRESS insted of the SQL server 2005 Of
The Sever Name in ESTore must be: SERVER \ SQLEXPRESS

in Arabic version, If it appears in menus and in some messages question marks (????????) there is a problem with your localization. Go to Control Panel - Regional Settings - Click Customize and choose Arabic.



Multiple Stores                                                           --- Home  

To deal with multiple stores in sales and purchases,

we define the store which will be affected by the invoice (Sales, Purchase, Returned)

we can transfer goods between stores.


- Options - Multiple Stores Data:

If you define more than one store the system will deals with MULTI STORES, and it will show the STORE option,

for example when you add new invoice you will be able to chose the store affected by this invoice

There must be at least one store with an automatic name ( Main ) and you can change its name

Select the data for each store - name , phone number, if any, and address

Is Fuel : (Yes or No ) can be selected to determine whether the store is a fuel store so that it can continue to read the store counter and its quantity every minute.

Item Code : You can choose the content of the store as one item only and in the invoice by pressing (Enter) this item will be added to the invoice and you can not enter other, for example fuel tank contains diesel (we define diesel as fuel and add it in this box)

Start Meter : For fuel tanks, we put the first reading when we start using the software, or it is the reading at the begining of the current year..

Current Meter (C. Meter) : The program calculates it.


 Search                                                                          --- Home  

When you find a yellow area, note that these fields are used to search in the database.

* Invoices : On the top right of the screen, if you enter text into the search box, the program will filter the invoices by entry, and the filter will be on the invoice number or company name. If you enter in search 11 you will see invoices with the company name containing 11 or the invoice number containing 11 anywhere in the name or number.


(Exactly ) The search result will be exactly matched and not part of the word.

( Item) The result of the search will be for items within the invoice (search in the encoding and description), the arrows will appear to the left of ( item) To   move between items by search result and not invoices because the invoice can contain several lines as a result of the search.

when you chose (Item) go and write the name of the item or part of it and to see the result (you must press Enter key) Only for Items search
( user
) Searching forn an user entries only. (Invoices entered by a specific user)
If you choose this option with
(Table) In sales, for example, you'll only see a table with that user's sales

When you select (Table) The search options will vary as search options appear according to the date.

If you are in the table state, double-click on a line will take you to the details of that invoice.

  In the transfer copy, a search form in the invoices (sale or purchase) appears on a car number, supplier, date or contact number.


* POS  : The price of goods can be searched only where we choose (Check Price) When you enter the code, the selling price of the goods will be displayed.


* Vouchers : There are two places to search

1. For the name or type of Voucher at the left of the screen

2. For a date or period on the right of the screen


* In Debts : There are also two places to search for history on the right or for name and Type on the left.

For example, you can search and print a particular customer's receivables in a particular month.

( Delete 0) Shows or hides receivables that are zero.


* In Cash : the search for financial movement over a period of time.

( User) The financial movement of a user appears only. For example, if we have multiple users at the end of the day, we use this user's box.


* Statistics - Statistics:  search for a name and search either for all the date limits (i.e. this full year) or search until a certain date (we want to know the profits until the end of a month).


* Statistics - Item Statistics:  Search for an item by serial number, by name or by type, search in all stores or specific store and search for the sold number, the sold amount or the movement of an item according to the terms of the specified date.


* Statistics - No Movement:  Find items that do not have any transaction  for the last specified number of months.


* Items:  Search for  items by Name or Code , and filter the result by Kind or Class


* Store:  The inventory Search for  items by Name or Code ,Store Name,  and filter the result by Kind ;

You can search for fixed assets or for low quantity items in the store and can calculate up to a specific date , and you can check for all stores or specific store.

(Gather as Packages ) In the store if we select it, the program will make (Packing) as defined in the definition of elements as packages (Consists of).



 STATISTICS                                                             --- Home 

* Statistics: The first list in the statistics show us the profits of the company such as:


But here are more details, showing detailed tables for bills and Vouchers.

At the bottom left of the screen are details of the amounts that affect profits, such as salaries and commodity groups ......)

You can specify a time period to calculate your earnings.


* Monthly Statistics: A table showing the profit for each month of the year appears in a row with some details and shows diagrams showing the picture of the company's status monthly.


* Zakah ( Charity): This list is shown according to the options (options - View 1 - Show Zakah) . The user may be non-Muslim and do not want to present the Zakah list.

This list shows the amount of Zakah to be paid and the amount previously distributed, which is calculated from the Payment Vouchers which were defined as ( Zakat) ).

The software shows  the remaining Zakah amount.


 Item Statistics:  Search for an item by serial number, its name or by type, search all stores or a specific store and search for the sold number, the sold amount or the movement of an item according to the terms of the specified date.


No Movement:  Find items that do not have movement for the last specified number of months.



 Opening Entries                                                         --- Home 

Opening Entries is used when using the software first time. If we use the program and move to a new year, all these data will be automatically filled from the previous year.

* Opening Entries: Defines the debts owed to the company and to the company at the begining of the year. You can add a new item, specify the value and type of debit (debit or credit) and the date is usually the beginning of the current year or the beginning of dealing with the program. There is no need to manually add receivables if you are dealing with the program prior to the current year as the program, when building a new year, makes payments at the end of the previous year to Opening Entries at the beginning of the current year. 

* Beginning Inventory : The goods and fixed assets in the company at the begining of the year. If you are dealing with the software for the first time and you have goods before that, you must enter the data here. You must enter the number and cost price and you can enter the serial numbers of the goods to which you wish to enter serial numbers.

Fixed assets : This option will show you the fixed assets to add and modify. The first time you deal with the program, do the following:

1. Define the Item as fixed assets (Items - New Item). The annual depreciation rate (usually 20%) is defined as the asset becomes (1 the minimum value of fixed asset) after five years and must be revalued and the revaluation amount is then considered a profit.

2. if (Import Button) is shown in (Opening Inventory) , it will bring all items to the openinig Inventory.

if you want to import an item or many items you can go to (Items Menu) then select the item or items and thin click on ( 2 Begininng Inventory).

3 - in the goods of the first period - Fixed assets: Select the line of the Fixed Asset and enter the serial numbers by pressing the (serial numbers on the left).

    You must define a serial number for Any Fixed Asset

4. Enter the Asset data (date and value) and usually the date of incorporation is the end of the previous year.

If you are dealing with the program before this year, the program automatically migrates data for this year.

* Opening Cash: Cash, capital and Retained Earning (profits due to partners not distributed to them) and the summery of the balance Sheet of the previuos year. When dealing with the program for the first time, this data must be entered manually and the " OK " appears at the bottom left of the table, otherwise there is a data error. The button (calculates) find the balance sheet and makes sure if it is correc or no..



 Employees                                                                  --- Home  

Here, we define employees and partners, and we offer details of salaries or profits, and we can distribute profit to partners or add to capital.

* Employees:  We define and adjust employees and determine their basic salaries for each month which automatically is added to his name by the end of each month.

For example, if one of the employees take a vacation from March 15th to May 15th , his basic salary must be adjusted for the month (3), half of the salary and (0) for the month (4), and half of the salary for the month(5).

If the employee resigns, we must choose ( resign ) And determine the date of his resignation.

In  (Transport Copy of the software) if the employee is a driver on a Truck, we  must choose ( driver ) On the right of the dialog box.


* Salaries:  Additional salaries (or Over time) can be added to the staff here to see the total monthly salary or detail.  When adding an additional salary, the date must be specified and a note on the cause ( for example, incentives ). Salary can be ( negative ) and will therefore deduct the amount of the employee (eg penalty )

In the transport copy you will see in the right table the basic salary and the wage of trips which is calculated from the sales (in the sales items (Trip) which the driver has determined that the program will add the wage of the trip to this driver automatically.


Partners:  Define the partners and determine their percentage share.

* Distribution of profits: can be distributed to them by specifying the total amount to be distributed , the program calculates the share of each partner according to his share and add to his Debit  as a debt to the company to act later with pay Vouchers .

* Add to Capital:  The capital  increase determines the total amount to be added to the capital and the program determines the amount of each partner according to his share and adds the amount as debt to the company , the amount must be added by Credit Voucher.

When a  contribution or a profit is deleted, the program will delete all amounts related to this amount to other partners.

If we add or delete a partner or modify the shares, the previously distributed dividends or contributions will not be affected.

The total of share must be (100) and the program shows a warning when it does not.



 The Names Menu                                                                   --- Home 

Here we define the names and data of any entity that the company deals with, whether customers, suppliers, employees or partners.

We need to define  a name for cash invoices (eg Cash or Cash Customer ).

If we enter E-mail when sending an email to a customer, this E-mail will appear automatically


  Adds the card to the selected customer and prints it. If the following option is available:

                                    (Options - Calculate - Save Cards ).


You can specify the type of name:

Cash Only : You can not issue a credit invoice to him ( for example , the name: in cash , for example , or Cash Additional Shipping Customer .

    If we chose the option of options-calculate- Apply only (Cash Only) names  as (Not Debt) in Vouchers  then you will not be able to change the option (Effect on Receivable / Payable)  because all of the Vouchers will affect the debit except theVouchers with the person's name defined as (cash only).

TAX : The name of Tax Authority, you can not delete it but you can change it.


Project : For projects only and any project we should define his name and choose this option.

Crusher/From : in Transport Copy you can defibe this name as crusher.


Credit Limit : We set an amount and when you print your sales invoice, a warning message will appear only if the debt exceeds that amount.


TRN: here we put  the Tax Registeration Number if the company has one.

the software adds a name (Federal Tax Authority) and put the kind ( TAX.), this kind can not be changed.

this account (Federal Tax Authority) will be used to calculate the VAT amount and is added to this account , and after that we pay the collected VAT to this name by (Pay Voucher) or Cheque. this name can not be deleted but you can change this name;



Cash                                                                              --- Home

Show financial movements within a certain period for either all users or only one user. We may use this list to calculate a point of sale on its daily income, for example.

If there are many cash accounts (Cash, BAnk1,Bank2.....) then we can see the cash balance of the accounts on the right and the total;

to see only one account transactions, you must determin the account from left side:

Cash Of


            One Account

and chose that account.



 Debts (Accounts Payable / Accounts Receivable) )                                                   --- Home 

Show the details of all receivables/payables accounts;( partners ,employees, Vendors Customers .......) we can search by name, anr/or  a certain period.

the Right table shows the detail of the person in which we select in the left table.

We can make the program enter the deferred invoice on the due date and not on the date of payment, that is, we can write an invoice on today's date and make it not entered into the buyer's statement until a later date (due date)

And cheques can change their impact on the disclosure method (cheque date - Input Date - Draw Date), can take advantage of this feature to see how much remains on the customer 's cheques are not written by us (we choose Input Date)

If we Draw Date, it will show how much you have not paid yet, regardless of whether we received a cheque.

The automatic method can be defined from the options - Calculate - add cheque to (Receivable/Payable) in:


The buttons on the left for  the left table and the right buttons for the right table.

The Button (All- monthly Statement) on the left prints the evolution of the debt every month as a Debit/Credit  for each month and for all names.

The key (monthly Statement) on the right shows a monthly report to a single customer which we chose in the left table.



 Preparation                                                                 --- Home 

This Menu  is used in restaur, where we can define a user and give him the permeation to see the preparation only (in the kitchen, for example).

This shows the order processing role and the user selects whether the order has been Prepare or delivered .

The customer's screen shows the role of the orders, so that the customer knows that the order is ready for delivery so he can come to get it.



 Claim                                                                          --- Home

This menu is for companies that can return goods for warranty from customers and the company in turn returns them to the supplier. They are often damaged goods and under warranty and the customer is reimbursed.

There is a "return" in the invoices menu. This is a commodity that returns to the store and is counted while inventorying the contents of the store while the CLAIM does not return anything to the store.

For example, tire trading companies buy from suppliers responsible for maintenance and sell to transport companies. If the transport company returns a tire, the tires trading company makes a (Claim), receives the tire and delivers it to the tire supplier and follows the maintenance and compensation process from this menu.

* To add a (Claim) we go to the sales invoice and press the right button of the screen (  ) If we have serial numbers of items, we stand on the serial number right of the sales bill and then press (  ).







A list of options for which a user can modify his  password and modify colors and fonts.

The rest appear only to the system administrator.

You can store options to a file to be retrieved later, for example.


 The basic options                                                       --- Home

From the Options - Options menu

  To build a new year depending on your last year's data. This process is done automatically when the device date changes to a new year. The program asks (if you want to build a new year) automatically without using this key, so this key should be used only in special circumstances.

To move between years you can use the drop-down menu  In the top bar.

  When you download a new copy or retrieve data from an old file, the program may expect that you need to repare  the data and ask you to do so. You may want to ensure that the data is compatible with the latest version of the program by pressing this key.

Data Maintenance does not affect or lose data, and if  you make it  several times it will not affect the data.

  Here are many details to design the printed invoice. You specify the columns that appear and the paper size.

If you are printing to a small printer ( POS ), you must set up print to fit it.

You can choose  ( Auto Detect POS Printing opt. ) in options- POS . The program keeps the printing method on a large page A4 and for the POS temporarily changes the print properties.

Continuous S. invoice : We choose for the small thermal printers of POS, which prints the invoice and then cut it in the end, the bill is not specified by the number of items in the invoice.

Print Header    : Prints the left and right Headers or not. This header appears in the white rectangles in the print options at the top left and right.

 To change the company logo which appears at the top of the invoices , reports and vouchers. Also this logo appears when you run the program.

You must select an image file, for example JPG or BMP .

To Right : Determin the logo align to the right instead of the center , to place the logo on the right of the paper. We may need this option to print on small thermal printers.

 For headers, you can specify a different banner for each type of invoice (for example, sale - Vouchers ....). This Button will fill all headers  with the same data and take it from the company information at the top of this key. If we want to specify a different header for each type of invoice we use the following button.

  The header can be changed for each invoice type on its own.

The option (tables) changes the headers to print the various tables and reports in the program and the rest are used for invoices and vouchers.

The upper boxes identify the left and right banner and the bottom box specifies the invoice footer which is a few lines that appear at the bottom of the invoice after the total amount (eg seller signature recipient's signature the goods sold are not refunded .... Thank you for visiting ........)

In these headers you can use a simple text editor to select the alignment right, center, left, Font and color.

Margins : The margins of the page (upper T ), (bottom B ), (left L ) and (right R ) by millimeters.

Close Invoice by Symbol : for the closure of the bill where it appears a duplicate of this line of code .

If you choose the (=) it will show after the last item in the invoice the next line


The top of the first line in the Invoice : the distance from the top that starts printing the invoice items.

Page Height (A4 = 297) : Page length per millimeter.

Invoice Details height : The height of the distance each invoice item prints.


In this program you can not change the Arabic or English Company names, but you can change their locations a little of the following options:

1 - Shift English company up (-15 .. + 15 mm)

2. Shift English Company left (-15 .. + 15 mm)

3 - Shift Arabic company left (-15 .. + 15 mm)

There is a correlation between the upper names of the Arabic and English names. If the English name is shifted, the Arabic name will be shifted also.

Print Invoice Type : To print or hide the invoice type (sales - LPO ....) can be used at point of sale because the only the sales invoices are printed.

Only word at the beginning of the amount in the amounts by words : just change the location of the word (ONLY), for example , between (twenty dirhams only) and (only twenty dirhams) as well as changing the word site ( by Only ) in England , for example , between Altfiqit ( Twnety Dhs Only ) and (Only Twenty Dhs).

Invoice Details Form ...... 1234.56  : Change the font on which you print the details of each line of the invoice (Item Code, quantity, price ....)



We have four frames that appear as a rectangle on the invoice. You can use two frames for the left and right rows and the bottom two for the rest of the data.


Y / N : To show the frame we choose Y and to hide it we choose N

R. Size : The frame can have curved angles and this value  determines the bending curve (automatic 40).

The following dimensions determine the position and size of the frame in millimeters.

Top : The distance from the top of the page to the edge of the frame

Left : The distance from the left of the page to the edge of the frame

Height : Frame Height.

Width : Frame Width.

Frame thickness is determined by the frame width of the tables ( options - printing - frame width )


The yellow space in the middle is divided into two parts

1- The upper part of the yellow area : Determines the data that appear below the header such as the invoice number, date, customer name and address ..... Here we determine whether to show or hide the data and determine the location of appearance.

Left :determins the left distance,

Top : determins the left distance>

If we put that cell width ( w ) is equal to (0), the cell will not appear in print.

The statement that appears before the customer's name or field ( Ref ) can be changed by changing the (TEXT) value.


Page No. can be locate at the Header or at the footer.

 To change the previous address font.


2- Lower section of the yellow area :

In the left we can locate a ( Total amount) and here we mean Phrase (Total Amount) , you can choose Automatic then the program automatically determines where to br appear, or you can select whether or not to show the Arabic and English amount by words,  and change their location by changing the values ​ in the bottom (left, top, width, height)

Footer Height: Specifies the height of the space at the bottom of the page to print the amount and signatures


The table in the center of this yellow area determines where the details of each line appear

From left to right : Line number - Code - Description - Kind - Size - Quantity - Rate - Percentage discount for item - Amount - Note - Location (warehouse shelf number)

In the first line we define the English phrases that appear before the first line of the invoice

The second line defines Arabic terms

The third line determins the left distance by millimeters

The fourth line determines the width of the square by millimeters.


if we put blank value in title then the text value will not be shown, and if we put (0) in width that means the column will be hidden.


To the right of this table:

  Specifies the header title color.

 Specifies the header title font.

Show the Title of the table in the invoice : You can show or hide the entire TITLE and the phrase (total amount) can be chosen to hide the address to print on the small thermal printer at the point of sale, for example.

Shadow T. amount : We can choose to have the background of the Total Amount number as a shading with slanted lines to prevent counterfeiting.

Show the total amount in the last Row : The option to show the total at the last line of the invoice and this is used with thermal printers.

Drag the upward amount upward: pull the total amount up and down to correct its place.


the Table at the buttom: to specify the statement that appears before the invoice number according to invoice type, for example the sale is shown ( Inv No. ) The quotation shows (Quotation No. ) and so on

Can also be placed before the lettering number directly , for example , ( Inv1234 ) or ( Qu , 123 )

We specify here the Arabic and English names for invoices and Vouchers.

Here we determine which number starts the invoice numbering if the data is empty, otherwise the program follows the sequence and takes the number of the last invoice and adds 1 to the new invoice.


   Loads all default options for the program, You must tack a backup copy of the options from (options - Save Options to File)

  : Loads default options for menus and fonts.



  Specify the name of the currency, abbreviating it in both languages ​ and specifying its parts.

For example, we define the currency in the UAE (dirham) and its parts (fils) and we define the Dirham consists of 100 fils (the currency may consist of 1000 of its parts) ,......


  Change the server name and other data about the database   risk 

This data is detected automatically by the program and must be changed only by a specialist.


  Here you can add bank names and print cheque design.

To add a bank name or modify the cheque design

To design the cheque printing we choose the bank (stock left and right) and then press (change)

The company has an account in this bank: this will add this bank to Company Accounts, ( see Options - Company Accounts) and ( Services - Money Transfer)

We have a maximum of 5 digits to show on the cheque, to determine how many we choose (number of boxes)

Then, for each box, we specify whether alignmentRight) and determine what appears in this box:


            The name

            Amount: A number and specify a letter or a symbol that appears before and after it from the option at the top such as (# 12500 #) or (/ 12500)

            Arabic writing: Subtraction in Arabic

            English writing: Subtraction of the amount in English.

            Account Only : The phrase appears in the selected field.

Then we move to the boxes on the left and when you click on one of them changes color and we can continuous pressure and drag to move to the right place.

It can be resized when you move the mouse to the edge. The shape of the mouse changes to allow resizing by continuous clicking and dragging

We keep editing and printing on test-size cheque sheets until the cheque printing is completely set.

Changes must be saved for each bank.



we can define many accounts where you can determin the cash movement from/to this account.

1- Cash: this account is added automaticly and can not be changed

2- any bank was defined as The company has an account in this bank

3- by using the button Comp. Account we can define another accounts as company cash account.


   If you add a year by mistake and want to delete it.           Danger 


  To determine the amount of point (amount) at which a purchase card must be issued and how much the value of the card. ( Issuance of purchase vouchers )


1  - Options - Display 1 : Here you can change the names of lists in Arabic and English and should not be changed radically (eg do not make purchases sales) but for example bills allowance can be made documents or items make them the names of the goods.

Show Zakah : Show or hide zakaah menu The user may be non-Muslim and does not want to view  zakaah menu.

Cheques is the default in Vouchers : When you chose pay/credit voucher, the automatic option is to display the cheques and not the cash notes.

Method 2 To insert items: Use Method 2 to enter items by default. See how objects fit in this way .


Lock Inv. Content : If the user is a system administrator, he can modify it, but by choosing this option, only by password will be modified and after opening the invoice from the edit - open the invoice F7 or the Open Invoice key at the top of the invoice table and exit the invoice automatically.


Show Cash in Caption : You will see daily cash and full cash in the upper program bar.

Warning for Min. Price : by item specification ( see )

Deal with Projects : Show the projects menu and their dependencies. ( See )

Receiving Internet bills : If you and a supplier deal with this program, you can send invoices from the program via the Internet and appear at the other end of the list (about the program) on the right side of the program definition screen.

You'll see a summary of each invoice sent, its number, its value, and the sender's name. You can then enter them into your invoices, delete them, or download them as a file.

When you place your order in invoices, you are asked to specify where to add (sell / buy / bid .......)

Send invoices by e-mail : Shows or hides th buttons to the left of the invoice.

Show prayer times : Show or hide them at the beginning of the program (about the program) and appear in the bottom bar.


2.  Options - Display 2 :

You can change the number display mode, the red and green colors in the program, and the number of times the password is requested when you need it.

Note that the number of times the password is requested can be zero, which is a bit dangerous but makes the input process easier and makes it faster.


3.   Options - Printing :

Some print options for tables can be selected as line height and frame width with points.

However, the print options are detailed by pressing the ( Invoice Design ) button on the right.

Show report print preview : The print view can be displayed when any table is printed.

Show Hor. line in tables : Horizontal line appears in print tables.

Show page header in tables : First line appears in print tables.

Extend last Col. in the table : Make the last column from the right in the table expand to the page edge when you print.

Show SNO in delivery note  : Serial numbers printed on the delivery note .



4.   Options - Back up :

Auto save onexit : You can specify the backup options  where you can copy the current year to a volume (preferably external) whenever the program is closed.


Auto save in time : can be backed up at a certain time.

To Path: determin the folder on a volume


If we do not select a folder, it copies the data to an automatic folder named Backup where the data can not be copied to the root of the volume.


* You can select an e-mail to send the copy to also during this process. If the time is long, you can stop the sending of e-mail by pressing Cancel in the copy waiting window that appears at the top of the screen when copying and sending mail.


Of course, the program makes sure the device is connected to the internet to complete the transmission.

* ftp : If you have ftp you can enter the ftp, name and password to backup it also when you exit the program.


5.   Options - Calculate :

Apply Only (cash only) as (Not Debts) in the Vouchers : then the choice ( Does not affect the debt ) in the Vouchers will not be available for change and has no effect and any Voucher is considered to be influential only Vouchers that have the specifications of the name (cash only)


Show item % discount: A discount can be added for each item in the invoice.

Multi stores : The program automatically adds one store in the name of (Main ) and considers all automatic movements to and from it,  if we have only one store.

If we select (multi stores) we will see a list ( options - multi stores )

Draw cheques Automatically  : When the program starts, all the cheques due on this day will automatically be paid and cleared.

                    If one of them returns, the user will specify this.     Danger 

This option is dangerous because it will automatically affect the Cash without user intervention.


Save Cards : to enable handling of purchase vouchers and savings cards



Stock Total by: determin the calculating cost of goods.

            Market price: Any goods are calculated on the last purchase price.

            SNO + FIFO: calculate the price of the goods by serial number that have a serial number , and the rest supports the principle of ( the FIFO:  First In First Out).


Add cheque to (receivable/payable) in: Specify the method of drawing the cheques, These can be changed while working in the receivables to see the different cases of the effect of the cheque, but here we define the automatic method

            Cheque date

            Input date

            Draw Date


6.   Options - POS :

Auto  Detect POS Printing Opt. : Print options can be left on a large A4 page as we selected in Print Design . At point of sale, the print specifications change automatically and temporarily.

Show Customer Screen : If your device has two outputs for two screens (like most Laptops), the second screen can show the role of the meal delivery and the menu.

In the display settings in Windows you must choose

Extended My Windows Desktop Onto this monitor

The second screen is shown and the second screen shows the role of processing and delivery of meals and menu.

Show Food Menu in Customer Screen : Show menu (which has quick keys F1, F2 ...... ) in the customer's screen.

Casher can change the Quantity : This can be enabled or canceled. The user enters each line item, for example, 10 pieces of a ten-row commodity.

Collect similar items : The program automatically collects the  similar items while printing. In the previous example, it will enter a single line of 10.


You can specify three names for printers for sales points only:

1. Customer screen: A small screen that shows two lines often for the customer and treated as a printer

Often it shows the price of each piece of intervention and the total sum. .

To specify the number of lines and the number of characters per line of these options under printer names.

2 - Invoices Printer: to print invoices in POS.

3 - Barcode Printer: To print bar code items are often separate from printer billing.


6.   Options - Transportation :

Trip Wage bt% : it calculates the trip wageby percentage of the selling price and the amount determines the percentage of the Trp specification ,

if we do not chose this option, the trip salary will by fixed amount .

Auto show Ticket error : While entering the details of the trip, errors can be automatically calculated as if we pressed the button  (Ticket Errors) on the right.




 Options - System Users                                             --- Home

Here we define several users and each one has different privileges.

The default user has a Login name: ( a ) , and     password:    ( a )

The user (system administrator) can modify these options.


   to create a password card and when the program asks for the password we enter it by barcode reader using the card.

This method is used, for example, for the person authorized to modify if the casher want  to delete an item entered by error he can requires the authorized person  to enter the password 3 times to delete an item from the invoice .

User Types:

Aministrator:  all options are available

Normal            shows specific menus and can enter an invoice and modify them until they are printed and locked and opened only with permission

POS        only POS

Edit permission for POS   like a normal user but is authorized to modify and delete.

                        we can change his status to be able to change his password only

Normal, Can edit his input            it like Normal user but here he can change his input by password.


- You can define  one administrator and define a specific part of the menus.

- There is an option for the user's preferred language or to choose a double language (Arabic + English)

- We choose the user's favorite view where the buttons can be canceled at the top of the screen and the menus can be hidden, changed, or where they appear.

Quick keys only : if we chose POS we can define him to uses only keys (24:F1,F2,...... F12,  1,2,..... -,+) for input ( see how this is done )

Coupon : We choose to issue a card for games, for example with a point of sale and quick keys, when you press a key it will add only one item and prints the coupon and goes to a new invoice.   See Point of Sale Options

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Services                                                                            Home 

This list includes some services such as:

1. Returned Cheques Ctrl + F8 : A list of cheques that have been earned and not yet draw.

2. Backup: Copy the current year data (in the drop-down menu at the top right of the screen) to the BAK file .

3. Restore the database: Restoreing data from a BAK file overwrites the current year's data     risk 

4 - Diary: You can set important dates and show you in the top bar You can modify appointments and delete and add to them.

5. Print a cheque without save: Just print a cheque without entering it into the database.

6- Savings Card: View and print savings cards .

7 - Bank Loan Calc.: calculate the loan for the purchase of goods from banks and determine the total amount and the value of installments.

8. Daily Cash Check Ctrl + F9 : Used to check the validity of the daily cash. Where you can identify the temporary debt (advances with drivers, for example)

At the top left we see the amounts in the banks. At the bottom of the screen we put the amount in the Cash. You should see ( OK ) at the top of the screen or you will see (with you a decrease or an increase and how much)

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


 Other Menu                                                             --- Home 

This menu includes some services such as:

1 - monthly profit

2 - Zakat calculation

3. Send an e-mail: To whom you want without opening the browser

4. Send a text message.



 Reports Menu                                                        --- Home

In this menu there are some options that take you to parts of the program with tables such as the scheme or fund or transfer you to different reports can be issued such as the list of profits and losses or balance sheet and cash flows.


Cash Flows :

You'll see the expected balance available until the end of the current month and you can change the date.

* Brings the two blocks (cash and bank) from ( Ctrl + F9 daily  )

* Previous cheques (returned) are considered by the program as an automatic option that they are not desirable for collection so do not calculate them but the user can change this by choosing (Calculate previous cheques) )

* As cheques often occur at the end of the day, the automatic option of the program is to enter the cheques received the following day and to change this we change the value of the automatic option (incoming cheques enter the next day )

* If you have unexpected and unchecked payments, you can enter them in the + column for incoming payments and in the column - for outgoing payments and on the appropriate day line.




 Trnasport Menu                                                              Home 

This menu appears for transport copies only:

 Services     Services Check     Services Kinds     Tires     Insurance Contracts     Insurers  

 Motor vehicles     Fuel return     Motor vehicles     Conditions of transport    Errors of drivers


* Services : shows the truck services , and we can add new service (eg changing oil at a specific date and when reading a specific kilometer)

At the top there are some buttons:

+ To add new service

Close to exit

Open /Close record:to lock or open the the record.

Table:  shows a table with all Service.

Print: Prints the table

Search : There are two drop-down lists , the first to chose a car and the second for the service type.


* Service Check : shows a table and calculates how KM reading according to trips in sales invoices and according to the trip distance which was defined in trip (Items Menu).

The program expects service to be carried out either on a kilometer or on the number of days.


* Services Kinds : Here we determine the types of services we do on trucks.

For example, we define service (oil change) and we say that for example, every 20,000 km or every month


* Tires : The tires that the program tells us will be installed on the cars (in the consumption / installation list ) and then control the tire locations and movements.

When you add a tire (in the menu (Store Out) which mean consumption or  installation  ) and specify a truck number in the bill line, the price of this tire will be considered as an expense on the Truck. The tire is taken out of the store and placed in the installation Barn  to mount the vehicle in the right place and locate it from the tire list.

The tire Barn is the tire that has come out of the store and is ready to be installed at the top left of the tire screen under the name (tire reserved for installation).

To install a tire on the   We must determine the position of the tire and these numbers  are shown in a figure in Vehicles  menut and the maximum number is determined by vehicles defintion.


This illustration shows the tire numbers as a model on a 3-axle truck and has a 3-axis trailer with 24 tires including spare tires.

Number 1 starts from right to left from the head until No. 22 The last tire on the trailer from the left and then the number 23 and 24 for the spare tires.


The installation process can be undo.


   swap between two tires of the table on the right. You must select the tires by clicking on the first one by the  mouse and then pressing Ctrl  with the mouse on the second one before pressing the button.

This process can not be undo but a reverse process can be made again between the two tires.


    When a tire is out of service, it either bursts or ends.


All operations performed on tires are recorded in the table (left Down)

To see the history of a particular tire, click on it and thin press   

It shows a table of how many days the tire was installed and on which car and in which location of the tire.

at the end the software  tells us that the tire is still riding or whether it is over.


Insurance contracts : We store data on insurance contracts.

* Insurance companies : Define the insurance companies.

* Vehicles  : We define all the vehicles that the company deals with whether the company's cars or cars that work for the company (Texi) and not rented cars.

These cars are defined as (Taxi), which are cars for people who transport trips  for the company's account. The company buys these trips and sells them to other companies. This is very common in transport companies.

we deifine the number of Taxi trucks and their owners only


Company Trucks : We define all the details and data if we want to determine who is the current driver of this Truck. On the right we define the types of Services that are done for this Truck.


* Fuel Consume Rate : Here you can monitor fuel consuming. Trucks should have a return on experience according to the experience of 8.5, ie, the truck walks 8.5 km per gallon (4.546 liters). In each period we press + Add a table (for a new week, for example) and determine how much the new gallon price. For each truck we deifine the driver, Current KM, Current Galons, the amount of the consumed galons.


* Vehicles Profit : this shows the expected profits per truck but not accurate because the general expenses of the company is not counted here as electricity .


Here, the program identifies the Vouchers that have been specified as the "specified expenses on the vehicle ", the items sold or purchased, for which we have specified a vehicle  number (for example Trips) and the basic salary of the current driver and the salaries of the transport on this vehicle.

You can specify a time period to calculate these profits.


* Trip Wage Conditions : We specify special cases for the wage of transport, for example, a trip that was defined as 140 and if we want to change the wage from a specific date ( fro example 1/4/2017) then if we change the wage in the definition of the Trip ( the salaries of drivers will be changed for the previous months a   danger  )

The solution is to put a new condition for the wage of the trip where in this list we press + and determine the following:

1- Name of the Trip

2. New Wage

3- The date of starting the application of the new Wage

4. We can specify the condition for a specific driver or for all drivers by pressing ( All drivers )


* Driver / Trip Error : Here the system looks for errors in drivers' and Vehicles, showing the movements that the driver is not the current driver of the default truck. This may be true, for example, if a driver moves from one truck to another, or a transport is made by a driver other than its default driver, but the program shows you this trip as a mistake and an alert.

By double-clicking on the line, the cursor will move to the invoice and the trip which cause this error.



 VAT (Value Added Tax)                       Home


 If your company is registered with VAT, the following two fields must be filled in to show your tax invoice correctly:
1 - Options - Options - Print Design: At the top right of the screen there is  (company information) of which the field TRN must fill this with the company Tax Registration Number.
The company's headers must also be amended to show the tax number in the sales invoices.
2. Options - Calculate - VAT (%) The default value of the tax should be set in the country (5 in the UAE, for example).

This automatic tax rate will be added when a new item is defined.
When you add an item to a bill, the tax automatically enters the item definition and the tax can then be changed in the tax column.
There is a button in the invoice menu on the right (VAT ERRORS) showing you the expected tax errors.

Where the system is looking for items added to the invoice with a tax value not equal to the tax value defined in the item's definition.

While defining an item and specifying the tax value, you can leave the field blank to define the item tax as (Exempt ),As well as in the Invoice Tax column.
(0) can be set to zero tax deduction. In both cases the tax is calculated at zero, but this process to distinguish between sales of zero and other tax items is exempt.


* Tax Declaration: A summary of the amount due from the tax to be supplied. From the menu (Reports - VAT).
The program calculates the "output"

      1- Sales

      2- Projects

      3- Purchases returns
Input is calculated from

     1- Purchases

     2- Sales Returns.
A table can be displayed for each of them and
it can be printed or copied to Excel (double-clicking on any table).

* All : shows us all the transactions that led to the tax calculation (such as clicking on Depts and then choosing the Federal Tax Authority), ie, you chose the receivables and moved to the account.

* Corrections: After paying the tax d, you may discover errors. In the Corrections, you can add adjustments to correct the previous tax period.
That is, you can use the (
Corrections) box and add an Amount and the reasons for this correction.

* Options :We define the delivery places which appear on the tax invoice (the default values ​​are the names of the seven emirates in the UAE).


* Paying the due TAX : by adding a payment voucher to the (Federal Tax Authority) of , which makes balance zero.


 Company Accounts and Cash Transfers (Daily Restrictions)                       Home


In the program we defibe the Cash Accounts of the company as follows:
(Cash) is the basic cash account of the company and can not be deleted.

2. Banks Accounts which the company has an account: While selecting check options (options - options - Cheque options) we define the banks even if the company does not have an account but the company can collect cheques on these banks.
So to determine whether our company has an account in this bank
we choose (
The company has an account in this bank).
Then this account is considered a company account.

3. You can add other accounts that can contain cash from (options options - Company Accounts).

The total of these three items constitute the company's cash accounts and therefore when making a
Sales or purchase bill, we can determine the name of the account that will be affected by the cash transaction, as well as the Vouchers and chequs.
For cash movements (
Cash  F10) Here you can view all movements or transactions for a particular account by choosing from the left of the screen (All / One Account)
A table with the balance of each account and the total balance is shown on the right.
Cash transfers can be made between accounts (daily restrictions) from (
Services - Cash Transfers)


 Transfer - Clients: This process transfer funds from one client to another client.



Contact Information                                                    --- Home 

Dr. Yusuf Ewer

Mob:      + 971 55 646 333 1



Praise to Allah, Lord of the worlds

